Monday 26 February 2007

It's a fully ole game!

So then,

The past week has been somewhat of a learning curve for me. Having lost all of my winnings last week, I think I better drop back a level. I've noticed some of the $3/$6 level players playing $10/$20 so I think I may just be a little out of my league. After installing Poker Tracker today and analysing my hands it seems that $1/$2 and $2/$5 suit me better at the moment. I think I know what it is mind! I don't have the bankroll for $3/$6 so I am making bad judgments in fear of losing what money I have. I can comfortably play at $1/$2 and try to build a better bankroll to start and play $2/$5. So much for the big start at $3/$6! ;-) Everyday is a school day - especially when playing Texas Hold'em!

Another interesting thing that I have picked up from Poker Tracker is that I try to bluff too many hands. For example I seem to be check raising with nothing and getting caught with it. I also seem to play AK, AQ, AJ too strongly post flop even if I don't hit. This causes me to get re-raised after a $50-$60 lead out. WAIST OF MONEY.

Here are a few things I feel I need to do to improve my game:

  • Tighten up.
  • Be more patient.
  • Don't be too aggressive with marginal hands.
  • Realise that top pair isn't always best!

I think I have a good understanding for the game now after 13 months of play and feel that I can improve massively if I can adhere to the above improved qualities.

On a better note, I finished 2nd in a £50 local tournament this weekend. I got a little lucky to start with. I got a player to fold an over pair with A10 having hit my 10. This said, I think that if I were to be playing weaker opposition, I would have got called for definite. He later told me that he folded to what he thought was a set. That guy later went on to win the tournament. Perhaps if I'd have had the discipline that he showed then I may have had more chips to beaten him with when we were heads up. Never the less, there was good competition here and I think that the 2nd place is a confidence boosting result. I really enjoy playing live!

That's it for now. Thanks for reading.


Tuesday 20 February 2007

1st Day Catch-Up

Good evening,

Last night was a bit up and down. I played the $150 + $13 tourney and finished nowhere but had a dabble with $5/$10 and won the entrance fee back plus another $100. Not breaking any records but I felt I played well at what is the highest level I've played at.

Today has been a completely different day to yesterday. Playing $3/$6 again, I was down about $1100 by dinner but finished the day on a monster hand $400 up. The hand went something similar to this:

Me: AA
Other Player: A9

Board: 94A 10 9

Making me the nuts AAA99 and him 999AA.

I've got a lot to learn and a lot of patience to find based on today's play but I feel comfortable and keen to go on! Anyway, must dash got a free live game tonight in my local pub. They play them all over the place... Check them out at It's a completely different game I know. Lots of beginners but good fun too.


Monday 19 February 2007


Well hello there.

Thanks for stopping by at my 1st ever blog. My intention for this blog is to create a running log of my poker activity for coming year. I have been playing poker now for approximately 14 months and mainly play the Hold'em variation of the game although I am starting to show more and more interest in Omaha Hi. I have been mostly playing cash games with limits from $0.05/$0.10 to $2/$5.

What I hope to achieve over the coming months is to successfully progress up higher stakes cash play. I played at $3/$6 for the first time today and for the first time felt completely at ease with this level. By this I do not mean that it was a walk in the park by any means, but I finally feel that I can confidently play at this level without getting beat or outdrawn by some other beginner playing rubbish.

The game today started well. I doubled up from $600 to just over $1200 with AdAh then continued to play that up to $2242.95. I'm hoping this isn't new level luck and that I can continue to build this bankroll up.

Check back soon and find out how I do in tonight's $150 + $13 Hold'em tournament on Full Tilt.

