Monday 26 February 2007

It's a fully ole game!

So then,

The past week has been somewhat of a learning curve for me. Having lost all of my winnings last week, I think I better drop back a level. I've noticed some of the $3/$6 level players playing $10/$20 so I think I may just be a little out of my league. After installing Poker Tracker today and analysing my hands it seems that $1/$2 and $2/$5 suit me better at the moment. I think I know what it is mind! I don't have the bankroll for $3/$6 so I am making bad judgments in fear of losing what money I have. I can comfortably play at $1/$2 and try to build a better bankroll to start and play $2/$5. So much for the big start at $3/$6! ;-) Everyday is a school day - especially when playing Texas Hold'em!

Another interesting thing that I have picked up from Poker Tracker is that I try to bluff too many hands. For example I seem to be check raising with nothing and getting caught with it. I also seem to play AK, AQ, AJ too strongly post flop even if I don't hit. This causes me to get re-raised after a $50-$60 lead out. WAIST OF MONEY.

Here are a few things I feel I need to do to improve my game:

  • Tighten up.
  • Be more patient.
  • Don't be too aggressive with marginal hands.
  • Realise that top pair isn't always best!

I think I have a good understanding for the game now after 13 months of play and feel that I can improve massively if I can adhere to the above improved qualities.

On a better note, I finished 2nd in a £50 local tournament this weekend. I got a little lucky to start with. I got a player to fold an over pair with A10 having hit my 10. This said, I think that if I were to be playing weaker opposition, I would have got called for definite. He later told me that he folded to what he thought was a set. That guy later went on to win the tournament. Perhaps if I'd have had the discipline that he showed then I may have had more chips to beaten him with when we were heads up. Never the less, there was good competition here and I think that the 2nd place is a confidence boosting result. I really enjoy playing live!

That's it for now. Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.