Tuesday 20 February 2007

1st Day Catch-Up

Good evening,

Last night was a bit up and down. I played the $150 + $13 tourney and finished nowhere but had a dabble with $5/$10 and won the entrance fee back plus another $100. Not breaking any records but I felt I played well at what is the highest level I've played at.

Today has been a completely different day to yesterday. Playing $3/$6 again, I was down about $1100 by dinner but finished the day on a monster hand $400 up. The hand went something similar to this:

Me: AA
Other Player: A9

Board: 94A 10 9

Making me the nuts AAA99 and him 999AA.

I've got a lot to learn and a lot of patience to find based on today's play but I feel comfortable and keen to go on! Anyway, must dash got a free live game tonight in my local pub. They play them all over the place... Check them out at www.pokerdownthepub.com. It's a completely different game I know. Lots of beginners but good fun too.


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